Wednesday, November 28, 2007


"akindofmagick said...
Cindy: so, how's time4learning working? Enquiring minds want to know!!"

I thought that I would respond with a post rather than burying my response in the comments section. has proven to be a terrific tool in our house, and one of the kids' favorite activities! This is NOT a paid endorsement at this stage, but this is real learning and reinforcement of educational material. I can see how someone could easily use this as the basis of their homeschooling curriculum and then supplement as desired.

Joshie loves doing anything on the computer and thus far has not been very interested in many learning activities otherwise. He can easily do most of it by himself with little intervention from me, and he actually enjoys it and doesn't really see it as learning.

Matthew, well he is my real book worm and school lover and this is one of his very favorite things to do, go to "online school". He loves the history and science portions and has blown through several of the language arts activities as he can go at his own pace, so he isn't slowed down as he is during the day at school. There are tons of activities though, so he is not in danger of finishing them any time soon...and thre are printable worksheets that are provided and can be used to reinforce the subjects learned online. Everything is so interactive that it keeps the momentum and interest way up.

For Kenny this has been an awesome tool to work on the basics that he is having to get in a hit or miss fashion at school, and it has had another added advantage of helping us see where hie defecits really are. As the parent you can print out reports of their activity and scores, so you can see if an arad needs more review or not. Sometimes with the language issues we have, we (and he) think he knows something and it turns out he has only understood a portion of it, so this helps us spot problems so we can correct it.

So overall, we feel this is one of the best tools we have come across for our kids and their education...we will no doubt continue to use the program for years to come. Those with older kids coming home (4 or 5 on up) from another country would find this to be an excellent resource to use to help them learn but have fun at the same time.

Hope this helps those who were wondering!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Cindy - just wanted you and others to know we too are using the time4learning program with our 8 year old daughter (home 9 months now!). It is great for her too - and we have also noticed it helps us spot the gaps in her basics i.e. things Mum didn't cover....ha ha. Anyway - thanks for pointing us in that direction - it is the easiest way I have found to get school done in our house!