Friday, November 18, 2011

Christmas Quest

Can you?

Can you help?


There are children we know who will not have Christmas this year unless we do something about it.  There are children for whom a piece of fruit is considered a special gift, who are forgotten by most of the world and their own country.

They are not forgotten by us.  Please help us bring Christmas to the orphans of Kyrgyzstan.  Join with us in the Pie Challenge, help us raise $500 for me to take a pie in the face and I'll post video here on the blog and on Facebook.  For each additional $100 another LaJoy will take a hit.

We have raised $125 thus far, can you help us raise more?

Do without one can of olives, or that cranberry sauce this Thanksgiving.  Give up Starbucks for a couple of days and donate $10.  That $10 could provide Christmas AND much needed vitamins.

Want to donate but want more bang for your buck than a pie int he face?  Ask us to do something else, we'll do it!

Go over to and donate in the name of the LaJoy family.  I promise you, John Wright will do right by you with your donation, and you will see full color photos of what your donation was able to offer children who have nothing.

And as you sit around your Thanksgiving table, look around at your loved the table laden with wonderful items to eat, at the warm, clean clothes everyone has.  Put down your iPods and iPads for a moment and consider their cost...or just the iTunes you recently downloaded.  For just a few bucks, you can help a child do more than receive a gift for Christmas or vitamins which might help them survive through the winter.

You will bring hope to those for whom there is very little.

Isn't that a great purchase?

Thank you from the Lajoy's.  We appreciate any help you can offer in our quest for Christmas for Kyrgyzstan's orphans.

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