Sunday, March 11, 2018

Wishin', and Hopin'? Heck No...Doin'!!!

Whew! It has been a month since I last posted, and I have wanted to sit down and really write with some sense of direction, but it just isn't happening time-wise.  Maybe soon, as a lot has been going on.  However, our Blue Collar Homeschool group on Facebook sort of exploded, and has taken an enormous amount of time and energy, along with every day life.  It is wonderful, and a wee bit overwhelming as it develops and grows. 

So, I figured I'd get a few photos posted, share a few random thoughts, and try later this week to find an hour or so to write with real depth.  Until then, it has been a super busy month, so here are some pics from our lives!

We've been Shrinerin'...

And churchin'...

And Lentenin'

And prayin'

And pretty dressin'...

And dancin'...

And art buyin'...

and paintin'...

and "happy accidentin' "

And gigglin'...

And researchin'...

and Blue Collar Homeschoolin'...

and lobbyin' (with Senator Cory Gardner)...

And servin'...

And more lobbyin'...(with Representative Mike Coffman)

And honorin' (at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier)...

And Supreme Courtin'...

And Certifyin'...

and Accountin'...

And saxin'...

And lookin' stylin'...

And model buildin'...

and pot luckin'...

And strugglin'.

I'm always honest here, there is no need to has been a hard month in some ways.  We have had brains malfunctioning a considerable amount of time, reality hits hard once in awhile as acceptance and denial do a neat little tango in our home.  All of us try hard, all of us fail regularly, and yet in the midst of it all we DO still have joy, we DO still smile often, we DO still have successes to point toward.  Each and every one of us has learned new things this past month, and looking back at the photos it is no wonder I am personally exhausted!  So much activity, so much grace offered on a daily basis, so much care when so much goes wrong.

It is real life, seldom perfect, often doubt filled, but always, always worth it.  

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