Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Quick Josh Update

We have had a wonderufl day (hear the dripping sarcasm in my voice?) as we shuttled back and forth 3 different times to dentist, endodontist, then back to the dentist...and here Josh sits, still in pain.  It seems that we were directed to the wrong dentist, who does not do root canals, and we then moved on to the recommended endodontist who kindly got us in this afternoon.  After 2 attempts he refused to continue.  It seems the tooth is not fully errupted due to his age, and the infection too bad.  So we returned to the referring dentist who said he might be able to work on it and do a "pulpectomy" but it was not a long term solution and ultimately it was decided that we need to extract the tooth.  However, because the infection is so bad it was suggested that we wait until next week to allow the antibiotic to lessen the infection...so next Wednesday we will go in and have the tooth removed.  If it weren't his permanent molar, this wouldn't have been much of an issue, but because it is we were hoping to save it.

So now, we will hope he is feeling better with the antibiotic...he came home from the dentist this afternoon and fell asleep on the couch for 2 hours, however he did sleep better last night waking up only a couple of times in pain.  He hasn't eaten anything other than applesauce the past couple of days, and is basically just wiped out.  Needless to say, this afternoon was very painful as well, with the attempts at the root canal.

Thanks for all the concern, we appreciate it!


Anonymous said...

Prayers for Josh and for each of you--the pain of watching, waiting, shuffling from dentist to dentist is almost as great as Josh is enduring, although of a different nature.

I'm sending hugs and love for each of you.


Anonymous said...

Ugh. I am so sorry. Hugs from all of us here, my little person was very concerned for Josh...

Dee said...

I am SO sorry to hear you're going thru this ordeal. Would he try to swallow a milkshake?? That way at least he'd have some protein...

Anonymous said...

For a toothache, put a capful of 3% peroxide in your mouth and hold it for 10 minutes several times a day. It is supposed to reduce a toothache.

Anonymous said...

I didn't even think you could do a pulpectomy on an adult tooth. My Chinese daughter had to have it done on all of her teeth when she arrived home on age 3 (and had crowns put on 7 of her little baby teeth as well). We went to a pediatric dentist who specializes in this kind of stuff and she told us that baby teeth get pulpectomies because they will be falling out eventually, adult teeth root canals. Can you see if you can find a pediatric dental surgeon? It is bothering me that your dentist doesn't seem to know how to cope with Joshie's problem.