Tuesday, July 07, 2009

You Know Your Family Is Different When...

You know your family is different when...

1) Your kids ask for wallet photos of themselves to create pretend passports...and they remember to include visa stamps...and they line up at a little table with one of them sitting behind it with a grim face saying "Passport Control" and seriously giving the "passport holder" the onceover as they compare photos with the face.

2) Your kids lay their arms down on the table and line them up according to skin color.

3) A friend asks the evening of 4th of July if your son needs a jacket because it is growing cooler and as he casually walks away he responds over his shoulder "Naw...I'm Kazakh...we don't get cold!".

4) You are at Target with your kids and one of their buddies who happens to be a cute little blond guy, and your kids are spending gift cards received from Grandma, and the clerk says to your son's buddy "Well how fair is that? Mom and Dad buy gifts for your friends and you get nothing?"...and you tell the clerk "You have it wrong, he's the one who isn't ours!"...and she STILL looks at you like you are crazy and you can tell she still can't even figure out which kids are really yours.

5) You see someone at an event in town whom you haven't seen in a long time and they ask jokingly "So...do you still have 2 kids? Or are you up to 5 or 6?"...and they are joking...and they don't even know you currently have 3...you don't know how to tell them it really WILL soon be 5!

6) Your kids ask you what countries hit your blog today.

7) You drive behind an SUV with those stick figures of family members on it...and your son says "Man, mom...look at that, that's a lot of little guys on there!"...and you quickly count and say "Yes, but that's one less than we'll eventually have..." and your son's eyes grow ever slightly larger. Then, in some misguided effort to make it sound better you say softly "...but at least we don't have the dog. Yet."...and your voice kind of drifts off...

8) Your son gets into an involved conversation with adults about the merits of traveling via Lufthansa versus other carriers.

9) You walk through Walmart and you see 2 little girls standing off to the side staring at your family and one of them is making "slant eye" faces which thankfully your children miss...and you walk by and don't hesitate before out pops out "You girls ought to be ashamed of yourselves..."

10) It takes more than 5 minutes to explain the birth order of your children.

And finally...#11 - When you experience all of the above on a daily basis and DON'T think of your family as different!!


Anonymous said...

Different or unique? Maybe unique and special. The originals, the La Joys.

Kimberly said...

I love this top 10 - well, OK top 11 list! :-) Brought a smile to my face! Can't wait to join you and post my own You Know Your Family is Different Whe.... list!

Lori said...

I just laughed and laughed...especially loved the "Which countries hit your blog?"

And good for you for telling those little girls they ought to be ashamed of themselves. Moreover, so should their parents.

Hilary Marquis said...

That was hysterical!!! You had Tim in a full out belly laugh which is hard to do. He is now talking my ear off about the benefits of Lufthansa...

Anonymous said...

You know your family is different when....

One of your kids gets tired of explaining things to others (especially in school) and we seriously consider printing up cards that she can hand out and just say "here, this should answer all your questions!"

Peggy in Virginia

Lenore Ryan said...

This is absolutely wonderful, and sooo you, Cindy, and the LaJoy family!! One of your best blog entries.....thank you for putting a smile on my face and a laugh in my heart this evening!!! ((Hugs)) to you, my friend!!

Shannon said...

Hilarious and soooo true!

Carrie DeLille said...

Haha-I love it, I live it!!